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8 Steps to Fire Up Your Influencer Marketing Campaign

In the current digital era, social media platforms have transformed into virtual markets. Influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for businesses to engage with their target audience in a way that is more authentic and relevant. Conversion rates, a brand’s credibility, and exposure can all be significantly increased by utilizing influencers’ popularity and reach. However, a well-structured plan and careful execution are required for an influencer marketing campaign to be successful. The following list of eight crucial stages will help you launch your influencer marketing campaign and get excellent results.

1. Researching the Contest: Creating the Foundation

Before diving into your influencer marketing plan, it is essential to have a complete awareness of the competitive landscape. Your competitors’ influencer collaborations might provide you with helpful information about the techniques that work and don’t work in your industry. Analyze the engagement rates. Consider audience demographics of the commercials that your rivals run utilizing the influencers that they have partnered with. This analysis can help you establish a strategy that is different from that of your rivals. It can guide you in selecting the right influencers for your campaign.

2. Determining Success with Goals and Key Performance Indicators

Any successful marketing campaign will have well-defined goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). Which act as the main drivers of motivation. Determine what you want your interactions with influencers to achieve for you. Do you want to increase the number of people who know about your brand? Or the number of people who visit your website, your sales, all of the above, or none of the above? Your campaign approach will be guided by your goals. Which will also serve as a standard by which to measure the campaign’s performance. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs). Such as the engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and follower growth to carefully monitor the campaign’s performance.

3. Appropriate resource allocation in light of both the budget and the promotion

A realistic budget must be set for an influencer marketing campaign to be successful. Consider expenses like the money spent on advertising, the production costs and the fees influencers demand. Make sure your budget is wisely allocated to the campaign’s many components. Components such as influencer compensation, content creation, and sponsored promotion. Although collaborating with mega-influencers may sound alluring. It’s vital to remember that investing less money by working with micro-influencers can still provide outstanding value in terms of engagement and authenticity.

4. Find influencers and watch out for authenticity

The success of your campaign depends on finding the right influencers to collaborate with. Find influencers whose fundamental principles align with the character and message of your brand. Using technologies like social media analytics and influencer-finding websites to find new partners could be beneficial. Give relevance more weight than the number of followers. Sometimes an influencer with a smaller following but one that is involved and focused on a certain specialty will outperform someone with a large following but no engagement.

5. Connect with the Makers: Creating Engaging Pitch Decks

Making the first move on prominent people requires adroitness and personalized communication. Create compelling arguments for your ideas that highlight the advantages of cooperation. Mention the influencer by name, and show that you are interested in the information that they offer. Explain why working with them would be advantageous for your brand. Keep lines of communication open on compensation, deadlines, and expectations. If you employ tailored communication, the recipient will understand your commitment better. You will have a greater chance of getting a favorable response.

6. Complete business transactions, such as contracts and collaboration

An influencer’s expression of interest is followed by a discussion of the terms of the collaboration and formalization of the agreement. Deliverables, material formats, publication timelines, and remuneration details should all be specified in explicit detail. It is crucial to have a contract that outlines expectations clearly. The contract offers sufficient protection for each party. Work closely with influential individuals to develop original concepts that complement their aesthetic. While also clearly explaining the benefits of your business.

7. Get Things Going and Keep an Eye on Them: Let the Campaign Run

Maintain a proactive approach to tracking the campaign’s progress once it has been made public. By responding to messages and comments, maintain a constant level of engagement with the content. Using tracking links and UTM parameters, you may determine how much traffic and conversions the influencer’s postings brought in. To gauge how the audience feels about your material and to make any required revisions. You should always keep an eye on engagement indicators like the number of likes, shares, and comments. Always remember that influencer marketing is a two-way conversation. Remember that active engagement boosts the effectiveness of the tactic.

8. Assess the Findings, Taking into Account the Impact and Return on Investment

It’s time to assess the results concerning the key performance indicators after the campaign’s duration has passed. By comparing the campaign’s results with the resources allocated, calculate the return on investment (ROI). Analyze the website’s traffic, conversion rates, and any other relevant data in addition to the engagement indicators. Identify the campaign’s successful elements and those that could use improvement going forward. Your influencer marketing strategy will eventually become more honed as you learn from both your successes and failures.


For brands to communicate authentically with their target audience, influencer marketing has evolved into a dynamic and powerful strategy. The 1990s were when this technique was first created. These eight steps will help you build a strong foundation, run a campaign that has been thoughtfully planned, and get amazing results. Keep in mind that success in influencer marketing necessitates constant learning and adaptability. As the digital landscape continues to change. How relevant and effective your campaigns are will depend on your capacity to stay up to date with the most recent trends. It also includes the preferences of your audience. Get rid of your influencer marketing plan right away. Start leveraging the influence of real connections in today’s world.Contact us today.

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luqman akbar August 28, 2023 0 Comments

How Social Media Can Help You To Grow Your Business?


Human nature dictates us to be more inclined towards things that yield instantaneous and explicit benefits. On the contrary, things that may prove to be implicitly beneficial, that too, in the long run, do not generally find many takers. This holds true for businesses too. Many new and small businesses choose to believe that it is an utter waste to be spending time and resources on activities that do not directly benefit and help them grow. This is precisely the reason not many businesses invest in social media strategies such as LinkedIn marketing services, Facebook marketing, etc. New businesses going


The truth has always been far from the myth. In the context of the situation being discussed, the truth is that initially social media makes your business grow with a slow pace. The important point, however, is that irrespective of the pace, social media does help it grow. If this is the truth, why, then, don’t people believe in it or act upon it, is what you would ask. Well, the fact is that because it is challenging to quantify the impact of social media on the growth of your business, therefore, businesses, especially small and new ones, are reluctant to believe that an effective social media strategy could transform ‘likes’ and ‘retweets’ into rupees and paise. However, to fully capitalize on the benefits of social media, businesses must plan to invest in some of the best social media marketing services in Pakistan.

Five Ways Social Media Helps Your Business Grow

It is well known that any form of online marketing, including social media marketing too, is all about approaching the target audience via any digital platform. Here are the ways social media facilitates promoting and furthering your business interests: –

Wider access – 

Social media platforms allow businesses to promote the message about their company or products successfully. Such a far-reaching added value offered by the various social media platforms enables brands and businesses to approach millions of clients worldwide. The most widely used social media platforms for business promotion and brand awareness include-

Social media word-of-mouth marketing –

What if your existing customers or consumers (those in love with your brand) became your brand ambassadors and verbally vouched for the goodness or quality of your products or services before those who’ve not yet used them? It would amplify your brand awareness, wouldn’t it? Now imagine the same phenomenon unfolding on social media instead of being verbal. The amplification of your brand awareness would increase manifold. Well, this is precisely what Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) is all about and is perhaps one of the best marketing tricks available.

Engaging with existing and potential customers – 

Social media posts and marketing activities aimed at sparking the interest of consumers often get the social media audience to interact and engage with your brand. Engaging with your existing or potential customers on social media is akin to having a conversation with your target market.

Oblivion does the trick – 

Social media marketing differs from traditional advertising in that it is short, specialized, and highly targeted. It is for this reason social media advertising tends to make the audience more responsive since they’re often unaware that they’re being served with an advertisement.

Leverage the power of LinkedIn for corporate marketing – 

Although originally engineered for the business owner and employee networking, LinkedIn does incredibly well when it comes to Business to Business (B2B) lead generation. This makes LinkedIn one of the most effective B2B marketing strategies.

All in all, social media helps your business grow as it offers the following to a business or corporation: –

  1. More potential customers
  2. Increased customer acquisition
  3. Increased CTR
  4. Higher conversion rate
  5. Customer retention

The Doable

Neither believing in the myth nor blindly accepting the truth; all you’ve got to do is be active on social media and make it work in favor of your business. Here are three ways you could capitalize on the immense potential of social media to grow your business: –

Generate and post excellent as well as relevant content – In order to increase its social media visibility, it is imperative for a business to create pertinent content worth offering to its targeted consumers.

Never forget to include a Call to Action (CTA) in your social media posts – For increased customer acquisition and better customer engagement, always make sure to have the Call-to-Action statement at the end of your post.

Respond to feedback – Whether it is a compliment, suggestion, or complaint, do respond to every feedback as soon as possible. For unfavorable comments, try to come up with a constructive response. Avoid participation in arguments in the comments thread.

Use flash promotion marketing – Gaining social publicity becomes a lot easier if one employs flash promotions or regular discounts. Such promotions prove highly effective at getting people to talk about your business, creating a regular following on social media, and recognizing your brand’s most loyal and devoted fans and customers.

Amalgamate traditional marketing tactics in social media strategy –To obtain unique and unparalleled results, try using traditional marketing tactics in your social media strategies. For example, a social media platform (an online utility) could be used to promote live webinars, podcasts, seminars, etc. (offline activities).

The Key Takeaways

Social media possesses gigantic potential when it comes to promoting your business. However, because of the vastness of the ocean called ‘social media’ and the strategies and tactics employed there to acquire new customers. It is always recommended to partner with a reliable and well-established social media marketing firm. If you concur with this notion and would like to search for a reputed social media marketing agency, Pakistan has absolutely no dearth of options whatsoever. Home to many a reputed Instagram marketing agency, Pakistan is rightly known for its IT prowess worldwide. So, if you’re looking for a Facebook marketing agency in Pakistan, make sure you find the right one that delivers visible results within a short span.

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luqman akbar December 6, 2022 0 Comments

Best Social Media Marketing Consultant In Lahore

Hiring a social media marketing consultant in Lahore, Pakistan could be a game-changer for your business. You could use the help of an expert if:

  • You’re struggling to acquire or retain customers
  • You aren’t getting the ROI you’d like from social media
  • Your social media strategy is all over the place
  • You or your team don’t have much social media experience

Social media consultants have the knowledge and skills to turn your lagging social media campaigns around. You’ll be able to access advice and strategic planning at the highest level.

If you’re considering working with a social media consultant, here’s everything you need to know:

4 Ways a Social Media Marketing Consultant Can Help Grow Your Business

Consider a social media marketing consultant in Lahore your business’s. They’re the wise teacher and guide that can help you 10x your business through social media. Here’s what they’ll do:

3. Develop a High-Performing Social Media Strategy

A social media marketing consultant will take a deep dive into your current strategy and performance. They’ll help you figure out what’s working and what’s not to see where there’s room for improvement.

The consultant will work off of your business objectives or help you to set smarter goals if that’s what’s needed. From there, they’ll develop a custom social media strategy to help you smash your goals.

Your social media expert will help you with tactics tailored to your business and establish a high-performing social media sales funnel, which is key because on average it takes seven and a half visits to your website before somebody makes a purchase.

2. Achieve Big Results

Working with a social media consultant can be very rewarding. They will help you get the most ROI from your social media campaigns.

First of all, they can help you build a larger social media following. They’ll teach you how to grow a community around your brand and engage followers.

They can also come up with content and advertising strategies that:

  • bring new potential customers to your business
  • re-engage leads
  • drive conversions and more…

3. Provide Expert Advice

The best social media consultants are experts that have tons of experience helping clients grow their businesses. They’re able to share that wealth of knowledge and experience with you.

If you’ve hit a roadblock on social media, a consultant can bring a fresh perspective and use their know-how to come up with solutions to your issues. They’re well-versed in established best practices as well as new trends, so they can for sure point you in the right direction.

Some social media consultants offer training so that you can continue to manage your campaigns effectively.

4. Help You with Analytics

It’s essential that you track your social media performance using the right metrics. 95% of the most successful B2B marketers use metrics to measure content performance.

When you monitor your analytics, you can see if you’re meeting your goals and where you might need to up your efforts or tweak your strategy.

But for some, all of the data and reports can get a bit much. A social media consultant can guide you towards the best tools or software for social media analytics and monitoring.

They can help you decipher reports and pick out the key information and metrics for your business or campaign objectives.

All in all, a social media marketing consultant will develop a strategy and implement tactics that will help you meet your goals and grow your business.

How to Get Started with Social Media Marketing Consulting

If you make the right preparations, you and your social media marketing consultant can hit the ground running. Your collaboration will run smoothly and you’ll get much more from it. So, here’s what you need to do to get started:

1. Figure Out What Kind of Consultant You Need

The first step is establishing what areas you need help in. You must decide what kind of role you want the social media marketing consultant to take. This may fall into one or more of the following categories:


The consultant takes an advisory role. They do their due diligence regarding your company and target audience, for example, by interviewing the right executives within your team or creating buyer personas.

With all of the information gathered, they’ll create a detailed social marketing strategy, provide the necessary training and/or continue to advise you over a set period of time.

Project Management

It’s also possible to hire a social media consultant that not only comes up with the right strategy but also turns that strategy into an actionable plan. They’ll figure out timelines, budgets, resource allocation and so on.


In this case, the social media marketing consultant will do all of the above and then jump in the trenches with you. They’ll oversee and participate in the implementation of your strategy.

So, the question is do you need an advisor or somebody who is going to roll their sleeves up and see the project through, too?

2. Set Your Goals

Your social media goals are the jump-off point for a marketing consultant. They determine the overarching strategy to be implemented, as well as the key performance indicators to measure.

If you have an idea of what you hope to achieve through social media, then try to document your objectives as clearly as possible. For example, you may wish to increase your Instagram ad clickthrough rate by X%.

But, as mentioned above, if you’re lost, a social media marketing consultant can help you set goals and create a sales funnel from scratch.

3. Get Your Ducks in a Row

The final thing you need to do before working with a social media marketing consultant is to prepare any documentation or reports that you wish to share.

For instance, you might put together a package of analytics reports from the past year. Or perhaps you want your social media strategy to align with your wider digital marketing strategy. In this case, you’d need to share your documented strategy with the consultant.

The more useful information you’re able to share, the better.

Essentially, there’s a bit of groundwork you need to do before working with a social media marketing consultant. But, ultimately, it’ll make your work together that much more successful.

Measuring the ROI of Social Media Marketing Consulting Services

When done well, social media marketing produces a high return on investment. In fact, I used social media to generate $632,481 in sales in one year.

But, one thing you have to bear in mind is that the way you measure ROI depends on your goals. Sometimes, social media marketing activities have an influence on sales, but you don’t necessarily see the dollars that come directly from those activities.

For example, you might share blog content on social media to generate traffic and increase brand awareness. The way you would measure the ROI of such activities would be according to the number of views or levels of engagement.

Naturally, it’s easier to calculate monetary returns when working with lead gen campaigns or paid ads. In this case, you’d measure the number of leads generated or, simply, conversions.

It’s vital that you discuss ROI with a social media marketing consultant in terms of your goals. You need to understand what you can expect to achieve for the rate that you’re paying.

6 Point Checklist for Finding the Right Social Media Marketing Consultant

There are tons of social media marketing consultants out there. Not all are made equal. Hence, you need to know what to look out for and what kind of questions to ask in order to make the right choice for you:

1. Relevance

As mentioned above, there are different kinds of social media marketing consultants. Therefore, you need to see if the consultant offers the services you require.

Furthermore, do they have experience of working in your industry? Relevant experience with similar clients to you means they know which tactics are likely to be most effective for your target audience.

Check their website to see former clients and what they’ve achieved for them. Some review sites, such as Clutch, also indicate the size and category of clients.

2. Experience

In the world of consulting, experience is everything. A consultant might make big claims but can they actually follow through?

Anyone can take a quick online course or read blog posts about social media marketing. It’s an entirely different thing to have implemented successful campaigns IRL.

The first step is to check the consultant’s own social media channels. If their following, engagement rates or content seems a bit crap then they’re likely inexperienced and will do a crappy job for you.

Next, check their credentials. How many years of experience do they have in the industry? Do they have hands-on experience?

3. Connections

If you can find a consultant with industry connections or links to social media influencers, then it’s a huge bonus.

This is the kind of thing that the average business would find very difficult to achieve on their own unless they wanted to pay through the roof on influencer marketplaces and the like. Find out from your consultant what kind of collaborations are on the table.

At Fin-eX Digital Services, for example, we’ve fostered connections with thought leaders and influencers in a number of spaces over the years, including B2B, marketing, tech and more. We know what benefits such relationships can bring.

4. Examples

Firstly, it’s a good idea to source examples of a consultant’s previous work as proof of their experience. This might come in the form of case studies or blog content in which they talk about their professional experience.

You should also seek examples of what the consultant can do for you specifically. Obviously, they’re not going to map out an entire strategy for you before you agree to work together.

However, they should be able to give you examples or ideas of the kind of work they can do for you and what kind of results they would expect to achieve.

5. Pricing

Social media marketing consultants’ rates vary. Usually, you can expect to pay a higher rate for more experienced and more skilled consultants. But, be sure to do your research on all of the other points to check a consultant is worth the rate they’re charging.

You also need to consider how their pricing works logistically. Does the consultant offer tiered packages or an hourly rate? Is there a minimum length of contract? Are there additional costs involved?

Always choose a consultant that’s transparent about their terms and pricing.

6. Balance

The consultant you’re vetting should have a positive attitude. You should seek out somebody that is enthusiastic and confident about helping you grow your business via social media.

However, be wary of those that over-do it. A good social media consultant will also be realistic about what they can help you achieve and the time-frame you can expect to achieve it in.

Overall, don’t be afraid to ask a bunch of questions. A good social media marketing consultant will be willing to answer them clearly and openly.


It’s worth hiring a social media marketing consultant if you hope to revamp a failing social media strategy or to take your existing strategy to the next level. Using the right tools and tactics, they’ll gain an in-depth understanding of your business and target audience to help you achieve your goals.

When it comes to choosing the right social media marketing consultant for you, make sure they not only have hands-on experience with social media marketing but also experience relevant to your industry or the services you need.

Now it’s over to you to find a consultant that will help you grow your business. The first step: Set your goals and work out exactly where your business needs help.

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luqman akbar October 17, 2022 0 Comments