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Best Off-Page SEO Strategies for First Page Rankings in 2023

Off-page SEO makes your site the World Wide Web, which means more visibility can make it as popular as possible. On-page strategies also help us achieve search engine visibility. But off-page search engine optimization strategies will aid in improving your site’s ranking in SERP.

Here are some off-page SEO strategies to improve your search engine rankings.

1. Contribute as Guest Author

There are lots of good and quality sites that are available to guest articles from various writers. Compose a remarkable study piece and send the content into a guest article. Do not concentrate on the number of links but just focusing on connections.

2. Create shareable articles

Great Content Always King in Search Engine Optimization Creating excellent and shareable articles is a fantastic way to create increasingly more organic backlinks to our site or blog. Research frequently and keep your content fresh and current.

Best Content Marketing Step By Step Tips & Tricks.

3.  Influencer Outreach

If you have created content worth discussing, do not be afraid to reach out to powerful individuals in your business. You ask them to confirm your blog and request backlinks from your blog. Be sure that you get links from fully relevant domain names.

4. Social Networking engagement

A significant off-page search engine optimization plan is social networking participation. If you would like to produce your enterprise, blog or Website popular, participate with individuals from multiple social networking platforms. Possessing a social networking presence can allow you to grow your organization and help you get more backlinks.

12 Effective Social Media Post Content Ideas To Boost Your Business.

5. Forum Submission

Take part in search forums linked to your site and business and associate with this particular community. Response in threads, answer people’s questions and provide your information and suggestions.

6. Social bookmarking websites

Social bookmarking websites are a number of the top platforms to advertise your site. When you bookmark your page or website article on popular social media bookmarking sites you get high traffic to your page or site.

7. Submit the site directory

Directory admissions always work to make backlinks. Opt for a productive directory and choose the right category. It takes quite some time to deliver fantastic benefits, but these outcomes are printed for quite a very long moment.

8. Video Submission

If you would like to popularize your movies, see popular video entry websites. Give a correct name, description, label and reference connection. This is only one of the most well-known methods of getting quality backlinks since most video entry sites have high marketing.

9. Article submission

Publish your articles to some top PR article submission directory. You can link to your site. Ensure that your content is unique and of higher quality. Reject low-quality articles and content which comprises more keyword stuffing. Pick the best class and provide your articles with a fantastic title.

10. Google My Business

Google My Business is just another Google product at no cost. Optimize this stage for the greatest local search engine optimization rankings. There’s n number of posts in which you can optimize the hyperlinks and hyperlinks in the articles, and from that point, we could create adequate social traffic and brand awareness.

11. Question and Answer

One of the best strategies for question and answer sites is to get traffic. Combine high PR inquiries and reply websites and search for queries related to your small business, site or site and then answer these questions. Give a link to a site that can allow you to attract more visibility.

12. Document Sharing

Create fascinating documents associated with your enterprise or blog. Documents must have a unique article and be in  PPT or PDF format. Publish these files to the document-sharing site.

13. Image Submission

Share your photographs on popular picture submission sites. Please personalize with the proper URL and name tag before submitting your images. Before submitting your pictures, check they have the appropriate word, description.

14. Submit infographics

Produce creative infographics. Nowadays, infographics are getting to be popular online. Submit your infographics to the infographics submission site, and supply reference links to a page or Website. Image size varies with different sites.

15. Web 2.0 Submission

Web 2.0 is just another approach where we could make subdomains on the site of greater domain authority. For example  tumblr, blogger, WordPress,, etc.

Greatest Strategies for Web 2.0:
  • Share good articles
  • Make traffic to get a printed article
  • Update the Website regularly


Proper off-page-seo and on-page-seo strategies will give your site a much better ranking in SERP. We have best off-page SEO and on-page SEO experts who can help you to optimize your websites.

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luqman akbar November 7, 2022 0 Comments

What Is Keyword Cannibalization and How to Fix It

Some SEO topics are speculative, and keyword cannibalization is one of them. Different opinions exist: some people say it is a serious issue, whereas others are not even sure about its existence.

So, what is keyword cannibalization? Does it really impact a website’s ranking? Let’s take a closer look at the phenomenon and find out when it is an issue and when it is not. In case it is, we should know how to detect and fix it.

What is keyword cannibalization in SEO

Keyword cannibalization is a ranking issue when several pages from the same website compete in search results for one keyword, hurting each other’s ranks. Keyword cannibalization occurs when different pages appear to be optimized for the same query, and Google cannot identify which of them is more relevant. As a result, these pages compete with one another in organic results, and none of them can get to the top positions.

The SEO term was coined from the marketing concept of product cannibalization: this is when a company loses in sales because it has introduced a new product, replacing an older one.

The pretext for inventing this term appeared in the early era of search optimization. In those times, people believed that it would be easier for their websites to rank if they created many pages targeting the same keyword.

Further on, Google introduces several updates, one of them called the Site Diversity Update, seeking to limit the presence of a single domain in one SERP. This improvement aimed to diversify search results and increase organic competition.

At present, host crowding and domain clustering filters prevent multiple same-domain pages from appearing in the organic listings. In the past, you could find five pages from the same domain in the top 10. Today, Google shows two pages from the same domain on a SERP, in rare cases a little more.

Today, search engines can define quite precisely what a page is about. Moreover, search engines go far beyond keyword density, guessing the search intent and pages’ relevance to a query. If Google finds several relevant articles on the same website, it will show them in the SERP. But would those pages cannibalize each other? Well, it depends.

What is NOT keyword cannibalization

An average page occupying the first position on a SERP for a popular keyword can also rank for about a hundred other keywords. No wonder the landing page may intersect with other same-domain pages targeting similar or the same keywords.

How to detect keyword cannibalization on a website

Now, let’s look at the cases of keyword cannibalization that turn out to be a problem that ruins SEO efforts. In such cases, your ranks may suffer as well as CTR, conversions, and other crucial site metrics. The most dangerous thing about keyword cannibalization is that it is hard to notice it immediately.

The simplest way is to run the site: search for your keyword. Google will show all your site’s pages drawn into the SERP by this query. Take notice of the URLs with similar titles and content.

Once again, you can search for your keyword and remove the domain clustering filter, setting the value to &filter=0 with the search. It will reveal more pages in the SERP triggered by the query. This can be a clue to where to make changes for each page to start showing up on its own.

If you need supportive evidence to prove keyword cannibalization is in action, you can check your ranks and spot cases when multiple pages are ranking for the same queries. Next, you should find out whether the pages hurt each one’s ranking.

Briefly, you will be looking for multiple pages ranking quite low for the same query in the SERPs and changing their positions frequently.

This task may look somewhat complicated unless you have a ranking tool for it.

How to fix keyword cannibalization

There are several ways to fix SEO content cannibalization. You might need to use any of those that suit your case or combine different methods.

Consolidate pages

This method fits when you have several pages on the same topic. Analyze their content to select interesting details on each page. Then rewrite the landing, taking the most useful content and merging these pages into a better in-depth piece.

You may delete the unneeded pages. However, if they have some ranking power, it’s better to set up proper redirects to the new landing page.

To make your landing page more relevant to the target keyword, use SEO writing tools to increase their chances for optimization success. Content Editor in WebSite Auditor is a nice solution to help you do this. Just paste your existing URL or add a new one and paste the target keyword. Content Editor will give you all the helpful data based on the competitive analysis of the top 10 ranking results.

Add internal links to increase a page’s prominence

Internal linking is crucial for getting SEO done right. It shapes a website structure and helps search engines better understand the importance of site pages. The more backlinks a page has, the more prominent it seems.

Fix duplication issues

Duplication issues are not strictly about keyword cannibalization as such, but it works similarly: search engines cannot figure out which page to show out of several identical. Of course, Google may try to identify which page is the main one. But it will also take a bit longer for Google to discover and sort out all these duplicated pages.

Make certain that your site is clean from duplicate issues by.

In certain cases, often happening on e-commerce or multi-locale websites, duplicate content can be fixed by canonicalization. The rel=”canonical” tag tells search engines which page from several duplicates to show in the SERP. Moreover, the canonical tag consolidates link signals for similar pages into a single URL.

Thus, make sure to use the right canonicals to show search engines which pages you want to appear in the search results. Here Google provides detailed instructions on how to define canonicals.

Why keyword cannibalization is bad for SEO

Let’s take a closer look at the negative aspects of keyword cannibalization. So, why is keyword cannibalization so bad for SEO? Some of the reasons are that it leads to:

  • Loss of traffic and conversions. As your landing page competes with another one in a SERP, it will undoubtedly receive less traffic and, consequently, fewer conversions.
  • Loss of content value and website authority. Seeing too many pages from a website on the same topic, especially when they appear thin and insufficient, users lose trust in the expertise and authority of the site creators. And so does Google.
  • The dilution of link value. Several pages optimized for the same keyword — intentionally or not — will receive less ranking power from links. This way, the link juice gets split between multiple URLs instead of being consolidated into one.

This negative impact will eventually make your SEO efforts just a waste of time and resources. So, the best approach here is to audit your pages for cannibalization issues, fix them, and try to prevent them in the future.

How to prevent keyword cannibalization

Whether you are just starting to build a website or thinking about creating a new page, you need to foresee cannibalization occurrences at the very beginning.

  1. Research keywords with a focus on intent.

So when you search for target keywords for a new landing page, think about what intent a chosen keyword bears. In the process of creating new content, make sure to cover this intent. This will increase the probability that the landing page will be found relevant for this keyword.

  1. Analyze SERPs for intent and ranking factors.

SERP analysis is closely connected with the previous point. Before creating a piece of content for a landing page, analyze the SERP for the target keywords. This step will save you lots of time and effort in the future.

Examine what types of content are shown at large for a given keyword. What intent does it cover? No wonder it would be hard to rank well for an informational search query if your content covers transactional intent, etc.

  1. Track keyword positions.

Keyword mapping is an often underrated but great solution. Together with a content strategy, it may help you prevent keyword cannibalization and understand what content you will need to create in the future.

You may use a keyword mapping spreadsheet with your existing pages and assigned keywords, combining them with a content plan.  Or, to make it simpler, use the keyword mapping tool.

  1. Audit your site regularly.

Site issues are generally a heavy drawback for SEO. Many Tools lets you run regular site audits: just set up an automated task to run a check-up on autopilot, and the tool will scan your site and even deliver the report to your inbox. As for keyword cannibalization, pay attention to duplicate issues, site structure, internal links, and anchor texts.


To sum up all of the above, here are the essentials of keyword cannibalization:

  1. Multiple pages ranking low for the same query, and whose rankings fluctuate heavily, is a sign of keyword cannibalization.
  2. Keyword cannibalization is hard to detect, but with position tracking, it can be done faster.
  3. To prevent keyword cannibalization, focus on intent-based keyword optimization and audit your site’s SEO health regularly.

Even with high-quality content, all efforts may go awry with keyword cannibalization issues. This is not something on the surface, and losses may come unnoticed for quite a while. So, stick to thoughtful keyword planning, check SERPs, and audit your content regularly, and keyword cannibalization will never happen.

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luqman akbar October 24, 2022 0 Comments

How you Can Redesign your Site Without Destroying its SEO Health in 2022?

The cost of bad web design

People could develop an opinion about a web page in as early as 50 milliseconds (ms) (that’s 0.05 seconds). A poorly designed site populated with unimpressive design elements and visual clutters will prompt a visitor to hit that “back” button and it goes without saying that the visitor is not going to come back, ever.

A poorly designed site sends an unprofessional image, is damaging to your reputation, and fails to convert visitors into paying customers. Sites that prevent flawless content consumption experience, often get penalized by search engines too.

The need for good design & cost of doing it wrong: Infographic

So, when should I redesign my site?

We often recommend our clients to conduct site wide audits once every six months to spot underperforming pages, find issues in them and if it is design related, change the layout and content presentation format.

Signs your site needs a redesign, NOW!

  • Your website’s bounce rate is growing at a steady pace
  • If your branding is not connected with the design. For example, overemphasis on any color other than green when you are selling a natural product.
  • If visitors are finding it hard to navigate through your site
  • Your site is not optimized for hand-held devices like smartphones
  • Your company is growing and thus your site needs to accommodate new features and functionalities
  • The last time you redesigned your site was years ago
  • Your site uses free themes
  • You are not employing strong security measures
  • Your website loads slowly
  • Your UI/UX design is unappealing
  • Your site is not optimized for search engines

Before redesigning, think about SEO

Now that you’re ready to give your site a facelift, all you need is a professional designer. But wait. People often go about changing their design without an informed outlook, only to experience a lot of issues later.

One of the most common issues is that a redesigned website could result in an SEO nightmare.

What’s the link between website redesign and SEO

When you redesign a site, you are changing its layout, design elements and nearly everything it was visually based upon. The structural changes can cause modifications to your site’s metadata, and other important content, thereby confusing search engine robots that used to crawl your site and formed a clear picture about the look, feel and engagement aspects of your website.

A changed site can trigger a series of countless SEO issues. But there’s a way to prevent this situation or at least minimize the aftereffects of a site redesign.

How redesigning affects SEO?

Redesign done without SEO in mind, can lead to these major consequences. There could be many more negative impact seniors and listing each of this is nearly impossible.

  1. You lose backlinks you struggled to earn
  2. You lose quality organic traffic to site
  3. Overload of 301 redirects can cause.
  4. te to load slowly
  5. Your staging site could get indexed confusing visitors and search robots about the originality of content

Simply put, all the hard work you did to shoot up your site’s chances of a favorable search engine slot could get subitizer, requiring you to start from scratch, which means reinventing the entire investment cycle.

No one wants to face this situation, right? So how to redesign a site with seo best practices? This takes us to a set of very important information listed below –

How to prevent SEO issues while redesigning a website

  • Set your expectations, predict problems, keep solutions ready 

A redesign project when gone wrong could incur huge losses. Everyone directly or indirectly involved in it should be informed about the possible consequences. Plan early to tackle challenges. This includes describing the process to owners, designers, content creators, developers and even marketing people who are associated with the project. When it comes to planning out solutions, make a list of activities possibly needed from specific teams. For example, the seo team can keep a database of redirects, the content team can rework on the meats etc. Simply put, plan early by visualizing the worst case scenario and keep experts ready to tackle the issue.

  • Back up 

Always keep your database and old files secured and handy. Because if anything goes horribly wrong during the redesigning process, or if you plan to revert to the original site structure after redesigning, you know where to look for help.

  • Create a list of all published pages 

Redesigning a site can actually impact its URL structure so it’s highly needed that before you hop on it, you download your site’s URL structure which is basically making a list of all the published pages. This is a pretty simple job, and could be accomplished by using  tools like Yoast SEO plugin.

  • Try the changes on a no-index temporary URL 

Never attempt redesign on your existing site since it can cause page experience issues for visitors. Instead, set up a temporary URL, copy the presently available content of the site onto the new URL and start making the changes as needed. Make sure your new site is set up to index the right URLs at the right time. Do not (in your worst nightmare) let your unfinished staging site indexed by search engines. It won’t just form a flurry of duplicated content, but also incur a range of costly SEO challenges in the long run.

  • Make changes slowly 

Don’t make excessive changes at a time. Reflect the approved changes on the existing site non aggressively. Remember you want to look genuine to search engines. Too many drastic changes too fast can signal something is fishy, and this can eventually confuse search engines resulting in lost traffic and lost reputation.

  • Have a redirection strategy 

If you are a webmaster yourself, you may know that keeping the URLs unchanged is a good strategy, but sometimes you may need to set up redirects in situations like when the developer has changed the URL structure, when you are using a different CMS, if you are reorganizing your pages to better suit the changing needs of your audience etc.   For all these things, it’s important (read very important) to have a proper redirect strategy in place, before and after the site redesign.

Make a list of all the URLs that need to be redirected, and then set up the redirection using. Doing this will help Google understand that the site’s URL has got a new address and therefore you won’t lose the SEO benefits you gained. Also, use a tool like Ahref to identify the links that pointed to you, and if possible, contact the webmasters of those sites manually and inform them about the changed URL.

Redirection is a very important step and should be done quickly – possibly within a day to ensure SEO health of your site remains unchanged.

If you are not sure how to set up redirects properly, you can always contact a professional who can help you do the job smoothly. For WordPress users, a plugin can do the job for you.

  • Test if things are okay 

When the new site is ready, the first thing is to check for issues. No other tool can provide the best result except search console. Check for possible issues affecting servers, redirects, blocked URLs, blocked by robots.txt URLs, no index, mobile usability, robot.txt corruption etc. Accordingly, try fixing the issues as quickly as possible to contain the possible negative consequences and to speed up better search performance of your recently redesigned site. Do not forget to submit the sitemap to Google.

  • Monitor the changes 

Now that your site in its new avatar is ready to wow your audience, it’s a good idea to constantly keep a track of every little development. You could see a temporary drop in traffic, then it’s not the right approach to lose hope and think it was a failed project. Use a tool like ahref to check important benchmarks to judge your site’s seo health. The site audit feature should reveal a lot of things about your site’s present state.

Looking for help?

If you are looking for expert help to fix SEO issues for your redesigned website or if you are planning to redesign your existing site but worried about its SEO health, please don’t look further. Fin-eX Digital Services is trusted by corporations and individuals worldwide for all things SEO.

Schedule a free SEO audit of your site now.


Is website redesign strictly technical? 

Yes. A lot of tasks involved in redesigning are technical, so if you are the owner of a website that needs to be redesigned, you should seek an expert’ help rather than planning to do it on your own or use any tool without having sufficient info about using it.

Will a website redesign project poorly reflect on my site’s SEO health? 

It depends how you carry out the redesigning activity. Wrongly done, you risk losing out on traffic and severely affecting the SEO profile of your website.

Does keyword ranking change when a site is redesigned? 

Yes, you may see a temporary drop in traffic, but you can see the exact opposite of it too. Sometimes a redesigning project can enhance a site’s SEO performance. One such case is when a site moves away from an unsecured theme to an SEO optimized theme.

What is the most important SEO thing to consider when redesigning a site?

There’s no order of priority. Every single element detailed in this article is important to make sure your site’s SEO performance is not affected. But in case you ask, we would recommend to keep extra caution with the URL structure, indexing and timing. We’ve tried to detail everything in this article so you can make an informed decision

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luqman akbar September 29, 2022 0 Comments

5 Important Tasks To Take Care Of Effective Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is more complicated than just developing content and uploading it online. If you have been struggling to get the results you desire, we have some fantastic tips for you. Digital marketing provides an inexpensive, yet effective way to advertise. Yet, the struggle for most marketers is how to do it well.

They spend hours developing content. But they do not achieve engagement or conversions. The one thing they do not take into consideration is the customer journey.

Our article looks at five important things to take care of for an effective digital marketing strategy. Strap your seat belt for this ride. You are about to learn a lot. Here we go.

Five Important things for Effective Digital Marketing

1. Get Help If You Need Help

Does every marketer know how to do digital marketing? The short, and honest answer is no. Digital marketing is a concept that started in the 1990s. Any marketer who was operating before then needed to upgrade their skills.

For those who hoped to learn along the way, digital marketing can be a real struggle. If you do not have the in-house capacity, consider outsourcing.

Digital marketing agencies offer in-house marketing services. These include SEO, web design, PPC marketing, content, and email marketing. They develop customized plans that fit the organizations’ requirements.

2. Understand the Customer’s Buying Journey

The customer’s journey goes through three critical stages.

  • The awareness stage is where they start to recognize that a problem exists.
  • Consideration stage where they are looking for a solution.
  • Decision stage where they decide on the solution provider.

Digital marketers must have clarity on each step in the journey. It allows for the development of specific targeted messaging. Talking about product USPs to someone in the third stage will not make sense. That would work well for those in the consideration stage.

It goes back to the quote above of stuffing leads into pipelines. You have all these potential customers lined up in the sales funnel. Yet, you do not understand their unique needs.

Digital marketers must walk the journey with their customers. Only then can they find success in their strategies.

3. Content Marketing Must Walk Hand In Hand with SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is any step to improve rankings on the search engines. One of the most powerful ways is through the use of content.

But, take one minute to think about how many companies are doing the same thing. Every single minute someone is posting something. There is fierce competition for a share of voice in the digital space.

So, here are some things you need to do.

  • Post as often as you can. A good balance would be at least one article every single week.
  • Ensure the content adds value to the audience. Remember to engage by keeping it entertaining and informative. That is why marketers use things like storytelling and case studies.
  • Encourage interaction through comments, sharing, and calls for the audience to subscribe.

Content development should no longer be a nightmare for marketers. There are tons of ready-to-use templates available. It allows for easy creation and publishing of material. Teams can achieve higher productivity and better workflow efficiency.

When optimizing your video content for all social media platforms, one shall not forget to explore different types of video posts – Feed posts, Stories, and Live videos. Creating engaging videos for any social media platform is easier than ever with online video editing tools like.

The best way to stay on top of online engagement is to leverage the power of social media videos. Increase your reach by adding subtitles to your videos. Subtitles or captions on video make your content more accessible to thousands of more viewers and make your video content more discoverable.

Read more About SEO Click here.

4. Milk social media for All It’s Worth

To use or not to use social media. That is no longer a question for any modern marketer. It is imperative to take advantage of all platforms available in the digital space.

Are we saying you need to be on every single platform? Not at all, because you need to be where your audiences are. But have a strong presence whichever one you choose. You need to maintain high visibility all the time.

Social media platforms are also fantastic for running campaigns. Take the example of Apple’s UGC shot-on-iPhone campaign. they invited audiences to take photos with the iPhone.

The participants then uploaded them onto the Apple social media feeds. Some lucky few ended up on billboards. As of June 2021, there were over 20 million posts on the Instagram platform alone.

There are tons of other noteworthy social media campaigns to draw inspiration from.

5. Optimize For Mobile, and Use Available Tools

Optimizing your online platform for mobile has so many benefits. First, you provide convenience to millions of smart device users. They get quick access to your services, any time they need it.

Second, Google uses mobile-first indexing when ranking. That means they use the mobile version of your website for indexing.

It could explain why web designers are working with a mobile-first approach. They ensure the layout and elements fit on a small screen. It then becomes easy to scale it onto larger devices like laptops or PCs.

But, you must not compromise on certain aspects on both mobile and desktop devices. Ensure fast page loading speeds and easy navigation. The user experience must be excellent no matter what device the customer is using.

Digital marketers should embrace the use of available tools. These can help with the different tasks, resulting in higher efficiency. Such include:-

  • Google Analytics is fantastic for measuring web performance. You get to know who visits the site, and the content they interact with the most.
  • Google Search Console will help optimize traffic to your website
  • MailChimp is excellent for email marketing
  • Hootsuite centralizes social media management.
  • BuzzSumo for keyword research, and so on.

Wrapping Up 

Digital marketing can be very effective but only if you do it well. That is why we have shared five of the most effective tips. Understand and develop a customer persona. Next, walk through the buying journey with them. It helps with the creation of targeted messaging.

Also, take advantage of best SEO practices. These include mobile optimization and content generation. For the latter, there are templates you can use to make the process easier.

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luqman akbar September 7, 2022 0 Comments

What Is Semantic Search and Why Does It Matter for SEO?

Multiple algorithm updates over the years have turned Google into a semantic search engine that strives to understand search intent to provide more relevant results.

With this, the days of keyword stuffing are long gone, and focusing solely on high-ranking keywords is not the end-all-and-be-all of search engine optimization (SEO). If you want to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs), you have to learn how to use search terms in the right semantic context. This leads us to semantic search, latent semantic indexing keywords (LSI keywords) and their importance to your SEO strategy.

What Is Semantic Search?

Let’s open semantic search conversations by defining the big idea behind this new approach: Semantic search is a process where search engines like Google go beyond simply fetching pages containing exact matches of the search terms used. Google semantics search looks at search intent, along with the contextual meaning of search queries to serve relevant, high-quality answers.

But what is semantic search in terms of your SEO strategy?

To answer this question, it’s worth pointing out that semantic search is completely different from lexical search. Lexical search was a technique used by search engines, which required users to enter exact and correctly spelled words to find what they needed. And even with such effort, searchers often dealt with SERPs filled with literal matches but irrelevant results. Google semantics search fills in the gap by understanding the intent and meaning of a query to serve not literal but meaningful and contextual results.

From an SEO and content strategy perspective, this means that the key to improving SERP visibility today is creating content that aligns with search intent. Aiming for relevance rather than keyword matches puts you on the right track to lasting SEO success.

How Semantic Search Works

A question can be phrased in different ways. Searchers won’t always use the same words, languages and tones when looking for something online. Sometimes, they won’t even know the proper way to articulate their query. This is why search engines today focus on the meaning behind queries instead of simply matching keywords.

But how exactly does semantic search work? How does Google understand a query?

Search engines like Google take a semantic approach and interpret search intent based on various factors, like the following:

 User search history
 User location
 Real-time context or current events
 Spelling variations or query substitutions

Google also enumerated the key factors considered by its search algorithms when serving results:

 Meaning and intent behind the query (Natural language comprehension)
 Relevance of webpage content (Primary and latent semantic keywords matches)
 Quality of content (Website’s expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness)
 Usability of web pages (Mobile-responsiveness, page load speed and other user experience factors)
 Context and settings (Location, past search history and search settings)

With these brief descriptions of how semantic search works, Google is evidently getting better at determining the meaning and semantic link of search terms people use. Unfortunately, this also tells us that optimizing your website for search has become more complex than ever.

But hope isn’t lost – understanding semantic keywords SEO, learning how to use semantic keywords and establishing a semantic context in your content help you drive your SEO strategy forward.

An Overview of Semantic Keywords SEO

It’s challenging to open semantic search discussions since the topic is broad and Google’s semantic search engine is constantly evolving. Nevertheless, here are some key points surrounding semantic keywords SEO that help you solidify your online strategy.

1. Topics Are Becoming More Important Than Keywords

High-volume keywords do not matter as much as they did before. This is why SEO specialists and content professionals must learn to strategically use long-tail keywords in their content.

But more importantly, they must invest time and effort in considering search intent and adding relevant topics that satisfy it to create high-quality content.

2. Keywords Still Matter 

While Google is undoubtedly becoming smarter at understanding the semantic link within and motivation behind search queries, it’s still continuously learning how to understand search intent.

So using your trusted primary and semantic keywords tool to find the best search terms to target still impacts your SERP performance. In the same way, including your keywords in your title tags, URL, header and body tags and metadata still help improve your rankings.

3. Technical SEO Matters As Much As Content

Since Google’s still not smart enough to truly understand the meanings of words, you need to help the search engine grasp what your content is about.

Using the right keywords and investing in top-notch content writing services are both crucial in semantic keywords SEO, but so are your technical SEO efforts. Make sure to improve your metadata, optimize your website for mobile and run crawl error reports for the best results.

How To Optimize Your Content for Semantic Search

Now that you have a background on how semantic search works, you may think optimizing your content for a semantic search engine like Google is too complex. While it is indeed a huge undertaking, taking a semantic approach to your SEO and content marketing strategy yields the effective, high-impact results you want from your campaigns.

With the right strategy and the right SEO partner, you can improve your site’s organic visibility and even get the chance to secure a featured snippet position.

Ready to get started? Here are some tips on semantic SEO worth following:

1. Optimize Your Content for Topics

As mentioned in the previous section, semantic keywords SEO places more importance on topics rather than keywords. Sticking to the old ways of targeting high-volume keywords can only do so much for your content strategy today.

Take the time to understand how keywords fit together to form a semantic context under a certain topic, and then cover that topic comprehensively. Your aim here is to craft in-depth, original and high-quality pieces of content.

2. Always Pay Attention to Search Intent 

Search queries aren’t simply strings of random words. In reality, they give you an idea of whether searchers are looking for general information about a topic or ready to buy.

Search intent falls into four main categories:

• Informational – When searchers want to learn something.
• Navigational – When searchers want to find something.
• Transactional – When searchers want to buy something at that moment.
• Commercial – When searchers want to buy something but need more information.

Pay attention to the queries that lead people to your website and the intent behind them. Creating content that directly addresses your audience’s intent helps you boost your SERP performance and climb up the rankings.

3. Learn How To Use Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords

In the SEO context, semantic keywords are words or phrases conceptually related to your primary word. These semantically related words aren’t necessarily synonyms, but they help establish the context and meaning of another keyword.

For example, if your primary keyword is “digital marketing,” some examples of latent semantic keywords for it are “SEO,” “search engine marketing,” “social media marketing,” “website design” and so on.

Learning how to use semantic keywords strategically helps you keep up with Google’s algorithm updates. Using the right semantically related words tells search engines that your content covers key topics about your target keyword and is thus a helpful resource.

Aside from this, Google also uses these semantic terms to understand your content better, enabling its search algorithms to display your content on more relevant SERPs.

4. Use a Semantic Keywords Tool 

It can be hard to learn how to use semantic keywords if you don’t know how to determine the right latent semantic keywords to include in the first place. Fortunately, you can tackle this task with a semantic keyword generator tool.

Here are just some of the many robust LSI tools you can use to find semantic terms for your content:

• Google’s Keyword Planner – Google has a Keyword Planner Tool you can use to generate hundreds of common search terms and phrases related to your primary keyword. It also lets you know each keyword’s search volume and competition.
• LSI Graph – This is a widely used tool that allows you to generate around 50 LSI keywords without signing up. LSI Graph also serves long-tail keywords as well as questions and sentences that you can use for your titles or sub headers.
• Twin word Ideas LSI Graph – This interesting semantic keywords tool not only generates semantically related words but also visualizes the semantic link between them. Moreover, it provides you with other helpful data such as each keyword’s search volume, organic competition and paid competition.

Build a Solid Semantic Search Strategy With SEO Experts

Search engines will continue to improve their ability to understand user intent, so you should open semantic search strategy discussions within your team sooner than later. Understanding how to optimize your content for semantic search and what latent semantic indexing keywords lays the foundation for your SEO success.

Finally, always remember: What is semantic search guide if it’s not used? Now that you’ve reached the end of this blog post, make sure to apply what you’ve learned. Focus on topics rather than keywords, pay attention to search intent and learn how to strategically use semantic terms. And if the task becomes too overwhelming for you to handle, you can always seek help from SEO experts.

At Fin-eX Digital Services, we love helping businesses keep up with Google’s ever-changing algorithms and achieve better online visibility. Our SEO strategists who get keyword research, technical SEO and local SEO work hand-in-glove with our content experts to produce original, high-quality and SEO-friendly content.

Interested in leveraging our expertise for your SEO strategy? Send us a message today. We’d be thrilled to be part of your online success story.

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luqman akbar May 31, 2022 0 Comments